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Exposure Software Snap Art

Exposure Software Snap Art - позволит расширить палитру творческих инструментов, превратит ваши фотографии в прекрасные произведения искусства. Анализируя визуальные элементы и методы художников на протяжении веков, мы разработали Snap Art для создания изображений, которые выглядят так, как будто они созданы человеком, а не компьютером.

Snap Art 4 позволяет вам экспериментировать с несколькими художественными стилями через простой, изящный пользовательский интерфейс. Обновленный дизайн и компоновка уменьшают отвлекающие факторы и обеспечивают быстрый визуальный просмотр широкого набора пресетов, благодаря чему вы можете достичь идеальных результатов быстрее, чем когда-либо. Snap Art работает везде, где бы вы ни работали, в том числе как отдельное приложение, которое обеспечивает простую пакетную обработку.

• Превращение фотографий в произведения искусства
• Использование встроенных пресетов для создания картин в один клик
• Поддержка Adobe Photoshop CS5, Photoshop Elements 6 и выше, Corel Paint Shop Pro Photo X2
• Выбор типа и холста бумаги, на которой будет создано изображение
• Детальная симуляция кисти, неразличимая от натурального ручного рисования
• Достижение более высокого уровня фотореалистичности, чем в первой версии плагина
• Легкое использование программы в один клик

Snap Art 4 turns photos into art that looks completely natural and handmade.
- To use Snap Art, you will need to have one of the Adobe products Photoshop, Photoshop Elements, or Lightroom. See the requirements for details and watch our videos to see how Snap Art works in these programs as a plug-in.
Lightroom Support
- Snap Art 4 has tight Lightroom integration that supports batch processing and does not require Photoshop. Visit our Lightroom page to learn the details.
NEW! Improved Realism
- Version 4 uses more refined stroke placement to keep edges sharp and reproduce natural texture. This keeps the subject natural and recognizable. If you used Snap Art in the past then you will notice dramatically clearer results, especially on portraits.
NEW! Detail Mask
- Instead of oval focus regions, Snap Art 4 now has a detail mask. This lets you quickly mark exactly where you want more detail. This is great for leaving backgrounds abstract while faces are detailed and natural.
Wide Range of Media and Styles
- Snap Art can draw with a wide range of physical media, such as oil paint, watercolor, pencil, and charcoal. Within those, you can choose from a plethora of styles like impasto, pointillism, or modern art techniques like comics and stylize.
NEW! Crayon and Improved Presets
- We added multiple crayon presets for that messy colorful look. All the presets for existing media types were remade and reorganized to be easier to use.
NEW! Everything in One Place
- Snap Art went from ten filters to just one. Now you can explore all of the media types and styles in one place without switching filters. The entire user interface is redesigned for easier exploration. The presets are always visible on the left, there is a huge preview in the center, and you experiment with your style on the right.
NEW! Hidden Complexity
- There are now presets that control groups of related sliders. This lets you quickly experiment with one aspect of the art, such as color scheme, without having to manipulating four different sliders. We also hid the more esoteric sliders by default so you can focus on just the most important controls.
Non-Destructive Editing
- Snap Art supports a non-destructive workflow, making experimentation easy. Effects in Photoshop are rendered on a new layer, leaving your original image untouched. In Photoshop, Snap Art can be run as a Smart Filter for easy tweaking of the effect after it is created.
NEW! Flickr Uploading
- Snap Art 4 can now upload your creations to Flickr. Optionally, you can add your art to the Alien Skin Flickr group where other artists share their work and techniques.

New in Snap Art 4:

The Right Looks in a Flash
Choosing your look is the focus of Snap Art, so the preset browser now uses thumbnails for a more visual experience. You can quickly filter by categories like Impasto, Crayon or Watercolor. Find specific styles with fast searching by name or description. In Snap Art you can tag your favorites so you can get back to them later. Your most recently applied effects are automatically remembered too.

Snap Art 4 User Interface
Snap Art’s updated user interface lets you work with fewer distractions. The darker theme helps you focus on your image and matches other tools in a professional workflow. The new Lightroom-style collapsible panels allow you to see only the controls you care about. Tools that get out of the way provide more space for your image. Snap Art now provides support for Apple Retina Displays and other HiDPI screens so your image previews look even better!

Quick On The Draw
Snap Art 4 renders your images quicker than ever so you can get the desired look in the minimum amount of time. The entire user experience has been streamlined so you can get back to taking photos rather than sitting in front of a computer screen.

Exposure Software Snap Art Exposure Software Snap Art Exposure Software Snap Art

Информация о программе:
Год выпуска: 2022
Платформа: Windows® 7/8/8.1/10 (64-bit only)
Язык интерфейса: Английский / English
Лекарство: patch & keygen
Размер файла: 43.08 MB

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 Разместил: SamDel | 31-01-2022, 17:52 | Просмотров: 232 | Коментариев (0)  

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